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Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass, December 3, 1853


(Excluded from last week.)


MR. EDITOR:—Two newspaper articles have created deep excitement in our colored circles. First and foremost, Mr. Greeley's bearish growl, about negroes preferring the Herald to the Tribune, by "the instinct of degradation." Therein he perfectly agrees with the Liberator, which claims that the Anti-Slavery question has reached a height "beyond the comprehension of most of those whom it is intended to benefit." It is to be hoped that both writers were "jolly" over their lemonade, when they wrote the above plain and sober people will naturally enquire, why strive to give the blacks a freedom which they cannot comprehend?

Second and nextmost, a "card" in today's Tribune, on the "Rural Districts in Liberia," by Lewis H. Putnam, decidely one of the most remarkable black men of our time. Ten years ago, Putnam was one of the pillars of the church of the lamented Theodore S. Wright, and wielded complete sway therein, until a little peccadillo caused the session to "discipline" him. He carried the case up, and had judgment reversed before the Presbytery. In 1846, when our noble friend,1 gave us three thousand deeds for land in this State, Putnam was one of a committee to explore Hamilton County; time November: there were some eight in all: Putnam was equipped with a fowling piece, and a pair of thin gaiter boots. Arriving at Lake Pleasant, they had a hamper of provisions made up, and started with a guide for the woods, in which they penetrated 17 miles into townwhip three. They had not gone two miles, when whir-r-r, up started a partridge, Putnam started back, let fly both barrels, and missed the brace at five yards! The hamper had been carried mile about by the committee, and finally it came Putnam's turn to "tote." Rumor says it was Robert Hamilton who called upon Putnam to relieve him. "By Heavens!" exclaimed Putnam, "I'll exchange shots with any man who asks me to carry that bag." The cowed committee, insisted of hammering or starving him, suffered him to make beasts of burthen of them, and gave him food to boot.


This incident is key to Putnam's character: he is idle, astute and brazen to the very verge of human capacity. His egottism is almost transcendental: the end or object of it is to ensure for himself a paradise on earth of physical enjoyment, to secure—not a niche in the temple of fame for Lewis H. Putnam—but all imaginable delights of gourmanderie for Lewis H. Putnam's stomach. The God he worships lies immediately beneath his own midriff: he bows down before a "ragout" with oriental obeisance, and counts it canonized in that it will minister to the comfort of that organ, to gratify which, he has put into operation the series of memorials to the Legislature of Virginia, Maryland, &c., &c., to which he says "WE (that is I Putnam and my stomach) have sent petitions" to the States aforesaid, "to relieve themselves of the responsibility", that is of the presence, "of the free blacks."

I confess that my indignation at the scoundrelism of these petitions, and at the deep villainy that can coolly talk of the people of Virginia making large appropriations, out of the pockets of her crushed colored people, for their removal to Africa—my own indignation is quelled (as Hamilton's in the woods) by the utter brazenness which dares, in the teeth of outraged humanity, to claim for these acts the authorship of Lewis H. Putnam, by Lewis H. Putnam himself. Judas Iscariot went and hanged himself: he was but a man. Lewis H. Putnam, with the shrieks of his expatriated brethern of Virginia and Indiana ringing in the air, pats his stomach, and softly hisses ragout, ragout.—No sane man supposes that Putnam did cause Indiana and Virginia to pass their black laws! The petitions were no more than a drop of kindred filth into the mass of ooze and slime of diabolical hate in which these laws were gendered and ripened.

There is a passage in this "card" of his, that for astute deviltry can challenge the cunning of the Father of lies: it is this—"The fact that it (the Rural District Plan) is the invention of a colored man, is sufficent to remove the impression that it is the scheme of the South for our expulsion!"

If Putnam is not already worth a hundred thousand dollars, it is not for the want of wit to plan nor brass to carry out his foray into the realms of American negrophobia, but to the idleness with which, by way of compensation to so much evil in him, nature has completed his make up. The only pain which he endures, is when his vast and brilliant and perfect schemes for entrapping the hate or the philanthropy of the land, pass in review before his active brain, and then drop quenched into the abyss of his nerveless will.

Putnam stands some five feet six inches high; complexion sambo. Head large and bald on the crown; foreheade ample, fat and beetling over his deep set small eyes, and to-


gether with his fat projecting cheeks, give him a pudding-like aspect. His manner polite yet furtive: he cannnot sit aplomb on a chair, but sidles towards its edge. In Parliamentary law he is more than a match for any Ohio hair splitter. But when he laughs! It seems as if our unexercised devil were played on his wind-pipe.

Yesterday, Satan got "jessie" twice in my hearing. Our minister of St. Philips, accused him of writing scurrilous paragraphs for the weekly press; and Dr. Pennington said that the same personage gets into congregations, and causes them to compel their ministers to preach too much.

Wm. H. Day, Esq., gave a first-rate lecture before a large and fashionable audience in Shiloh Church last night. There was a combination of learning, thought and eloquence in the performance much greater than I had expected from him: with his lamb-like countenance and fine voice, if he will only rid himself of that school-boy mode of gesticulation, and pay a little more attention to the real heroes of the American struggle for freedom, he will do. Black men in enumerating the triumphs of Liberty must not overlook the Haytien Revolution; and in naming heroes must not omit the great souls who fought at Christiana and bled at Wilkesbarre.



Communipaw [James McCune Smith]


December 3, 1853


Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 16 December 1853. Remarks on articles by Horace Greeley and Lewis H. Putnam: the former regarding blacks’ preference of New York City dailies; the latter regarding further colonization of Liberia.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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