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Coming Home: An Address Delivered in St. Michaels, Maryland, on June 17, 1877



Baltimore Sun, 19 June 1877. Other texts in Syracuse (N.Y.) Journal, 19 June 1877; New York Times, 20 June 1877.

At the invitation of a black friend, Charles Caldwell, Douglass returned to St. Michaels, Talbot County, Maryland, on 17 June 1877 after a forty-one-year absence. Upon his arrival, the newly appointed U.S. marshal of the District of Columbia received word that his former owner, Captain Thomas Auld, requested a visit. Douglass, who had desired such a meeting, saw the bedridden, eighty-two-year-old man at the home of Auld’s son-in-law, William H. Bruff. During this brief reunion Douglass struck a conciliatory posture with Auld, explaining later that “I regarded him as I did myself, a victim of circumstances of birth, education, law, and custom.” According to the Washington Evening Star, both men wept when they parted company that day. It had already been announced that Douglass would speak at a nearby picnic grove in the afternoon, and a large audience of blacks and whites, including many prominent local personages, attended the event. Douglass’s speech was partly inspired by what he had seen on his overnight trip from Baltimore aboard the steamer Matilda: the boisterous, somewhat unrefined behavior of a


group of black excursioners on their way to spend Sunday in St. Michaels. At the close of his remarks, which Harper’s Weekly said were “worthy of attention from every person, of whatever race or color,” many well-wishers sought Douglass out. The Baltimore Sun thought Douglass had made “a very favorable impression” during his visit and commended him for “avoiding everything like cringing or servility on the one hand, and ostentation or an offensive thrusting of himself forward on the other.” The newspaper also noted that “the speech was well received, especially by the white part of the audience; they probably appreciated it more highly and liked it better than his colored hearers.” The visit was widely publicized. Many blacks, especially younger ones, disapproved of both Douglass’s meeting with Auld and the statements he made about it, especially the widely quoted Sun report that he had replied to Bruff’s greeting by saying, “I am Marshal Douglass in Washington, here let me be Fred. Douglass again.” According to Douglass, that account “was in some respects defective and colored.” Rather, when Auld addressed him as “Marshal Douglass,” he “instantly broke up the formal nature of the meeting by saying, ‘not Marshal, but Frederick to you as formerly.’ ” Washington Evening Star, 19 June 1877; Harper’s Weekly, 7 July 1877; Douglass, Life and Times, 483-87; Quarles, FD, 342-43; Holland, Frederick Douglass, 342-43; Preston, Young Frederick Douglass, 180-89.

Mr. Douglass began his speech evidently with some embarrassment, which, however, wore off as he proceeded. He began by adverting to the difficult and embarrassing position in which he was placed. He said he did not come here to make a speech, and did not expect this call. He was not here to fan the flames of sectional animosity, nor to create ill-feeling; nor yet to recount the wrongs inflicted on his race for 200 years; nor to go into antiquity for matter to stir the blood and rouse the passions; nor to indulge in a political harangue; nor to expound the constitution of the United States.

“I come, first of all,” he said, “to see my old master, from whom I have been separated for forty-one years; to shake his hand, to look into his kind old face, and see it beaming with light from the other world.1Thomas Auld. I have had great joy in shaking that hand, in looking into that face, stricken with age and disease, but aglow with the light that comes from an honest heart, and reflecting the glory from the spirit world, upon whose border he is, and where we shall soon again meet. Forty-one years ago I left him. I left him, not because I loved Caesar less, but because I loved Rome more.”2Julius Caesar, act 3, sc. 2, lines 21-22.


Mr. Douglass then referred briefly to his escape, and to the motive that actuated him.

His second reason for making the visit, he said, was that he loved Maryland and the Eastern Shore. Eastern Shore com and Eastern Shore pork had given him his muscle. He claimed to be an Eastern Shoreman, with all that that name implies. Mr. Douglass then passed into a eulogy of the white race and its achievements, and said to the colored people that they were in contact with the most favored, the most indomitable, the most energetic race in the world, and that he would be false to his own race if he did not tell them just where they stood—what an immense distance they were behind the white people. He did not believe the colored people were fundamentally and eternally inferior to the whites, but they are, nevertheless, practically inferior. “We must not talk about equality until we can do what white people can do. As long as they can build vessels and we cannot, we are their inferiors; as long as they can build railroads and we cannot, we are their inferiors; as long as they can found governments and we cannot, we are their inferiors.” Coming down on the boat last night he noticed that the 100 colored people aboard made as much noise as 500 whites would have done, and as long as they do these things they are inferior to the whites.

“If twenty years from now the colored race as a race has not advanced beyond the point where it was when emancipated it is a doomed race. The question now is, will the black man do as much now for his master (himself) as he used to do for his old master? Do you, my colored friends, get up as early now to work for yourselves as you used to do to work for that stem old Roman, Samuel Hambleton?”3Born into one of the prominent families of Talbot County, Maryland, Samuel Hambleton (1777-1851) was a businessman in the District of Columbia until 1806, when he embarked on a career as purser in the U.S. Navy. During the War of 1812 he served first in Newport, Rhode Island, and then with Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry on Lake Erie, where he designed the battle flag bearing the slogan “Don’t Give Up the Ship” that flew from Perry's flagship during the Battle of Lake Erie on 10 September 1813. Although wounded in that engagement, for which he received a medal, Hambleton continued in naval service until the 1830s. In 1812 he had purchased an estate outside St. Michaels, Maryland, known as Perry Cabin Farm. After his retirement from the navy he lived there as a gentleman farmer with his brother, John Needles Hambleton, and sister, Louisa Hambleton. Also living and working at Perry Cabin during and after Hambleton‘s lifetime were Douglass's sister and brother-inlaw, Eliza and Peter Mitchell. Oswald Tilghman, comp., History of Talbot County, Maryland, 1661-1861, 2 vols. (Baltimore, 1915), 1: 455-76; Dickson J. Preston, Talbot County: A History (Centreville, Md., 1983), 167-69; idem, Young Frederick Douglass, 108, 164-65. For the encouragement of the colored people, and to show them what energy and will could do, he pictured the


condition of the English-speaking race five hundred years ago, and compared it with the condition of that race now. He illustrated this part of his argument by quoting the instances of well-known black men who had risen to eminence, and was quite severe upon Professor John M. Langston for maintaining that the mulatto is the superior of the black man intellectually. He told the colored people that they must get money and keep it if they wished to elevate themselves. One trouble with them is that they always want to be going somewhere, and do not stay in one place or at one thing long enough to accumulate. A poor people are always a despised people. To be respected they must get money and property. Without money there’s no leisure; without leisure no thought, without thought no progress. Their preachers should tell them more about what to do and less about what to feel. They should cultivate their brains more and their lungs less. They should not depend upon being helped, but should do for themselves. He was tired of Ethiopia’s holding out her hands.4Douglass adapts Ps. 68: 31. The man that can get up would be helped to do it. They should not depend upon the Lord for everything. The Lord is good and kind, but is of the most use to those who do for themselves. No man has a right to live unless he lives honestly, and no man lives honestly who lives upon another.

He gave the colored part of his audience some of the best advice and soundest instruction they have had for many a day. The only political allusion he made in his speech was in saying that the Southerners could control the votes of the negroes in the Southern States far more completely than Northerners could. The colored man turned instinctively for advice and assistance to those who had been raised with him and who are of his community.


Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895




Yale University Press 1991



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