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[Mary Browne Carpenter] to Frederick Douglass, August 5, 1864


Halifax August 5th /64

Dear Mr. Douglass

We would very glad to see your handwriting again tho' the contents of your letters are not altogether satisfactory. You write less hopefully about the state of things in America, & the prospects of the colored people than do some of Mr Carpenter's American correspondents—& I am sure it is no wonder that you cannot take a very cheering view of things when you see so much injustice, & suffering as its consequence amongst the freed negroes. I am glad to hear that you are going


to visit the freedmen at Washington and Alexandria I can well suppose that a visit from you would be a real blessing to them, & it must be a pleasure to you to see so many who have actually escaped from slavery—tho' they are still far from being in possession of the rights which as freeman they are entitled to. I cannot tell you how much we should like to hear from you after your visit—do tell us some thing about the people you see, & how they are getting on. You will perhaps find out whether our box of clothing has reached the right people—and was such as they wanted. Please to tell me what our ladies Society can & ought to do now? it is but very little you know that we do effect—but something we might do if something definite were given us to do? Would it be a good thing to send another box, next winter,—of clothing—to the same society?—or would


money be more useful to them, to lay out on the spot? Or what you yourself engaged in any anti-slavery work for which we might ask a grant of money—(alas! it would be a pitiably small one I fear) from our Society?

I have been copying out a great part of your very interesting letter which we shall send to the Inquirer. By the way you will I think receive an Inquirer from Mrs Crofts containing


Carpenter, Mary Browne




[Mary Carpenter?] to Frederick Douglass. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 2, frames 44-46, Frederick Douglass Papers, DLC. Asks instructions for how to aid freed people in Virginia.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Library of Congress, Frederick Douglass Papers



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