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Anna E. Dickinson to Frederick Douglass, September 12, 1866


No. 1716 Locust St.

Phila. 12. Sep 1866.

Dont talk so, dear Frederick.—The mass of the Convention was right.—heroic!—& your own kingly presence & appeal brought wonders!—Still, I thank my God for the opportunity to speak the word for the dear Cause in Salon,—how much


there is in those two words—in Salon!

Are you at home for a rest,—or do you presently go away to work? I wish I knew of your whereabouts next season, in the lull that I might not go all round & about, & never meet you.—To see a friend in those large spaces, is like the "shadow of a great rock in a weary land."

You say that you have not the time to write long letters.—that I can readily believe;—but when you say that I have not time to read long ones from you Ah—ha!—-

Give me a chance.

When you care to let me hear from you, I blush if you do so,—

Mother & Sue send love, & I am always faithfully Yours Frederick Douglass.

Anna E Dickinson


Dickinson, Anna E.


September 12, 1866


Anna Dickinson to FD. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 2, frames 200-201, FD Papers, DLC. Discusses the Southern Loyalist Convention where they just spoke.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Library of Congress, Frederick Douglass Papers



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