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Again [Uriah Boston] to Frederick Douglass, June 25, 1853



To George Bradburn, Abby Kelley, Charles L. Remond, and Frederic[k] Douglas:

DEAR FRIENDS—The Executive Committee of the Ohio American Anti-Slavery Society desire, if suitable arrangements can be made, to hold a series of county conventions in this State, the ensuing summer, and to wind up with several general meetings in the fall. The plan would be, to have two series of county conventions to be going on at the same time. Not knowing your Post-office address, this method is taken to inquire of you whether your services can be secured for a three month's tour of duty, to begin in June or July. Will you please, each of you, write to A. Brooke, Oakland Post-Office, Clinton county, Ohio, informing us if you can come, and the conditions upon which you will engage?

A. BROOKE, Cor. Sec'y O. A. A. S. S.

Feb. 17th 1843.



NEW YORK, June 25, 1853.

MR. EDITOR:—I hear, not the clank of hammers fast'ning rivets up, but the pen of Ethiop, and Observer and Communipaw, driving away like old Scratch, sharpening up their thunder for the GREAT CONVENTION.—Well, plain folks must stand aside when great men blare away.

In your notice of the TRAINER case, there is a serious omission. There is no mention of the doings of one man, who was the point on which the whole drama turned. It is in evidence that he scarcely slept, ate or drank, during the whole thrity-four days the case was pending. He not only watched the case in Court, but, also, day and night watched the parties when outside of Court. He knew thieving so well, that as soon as Rose Porter's residence was ascertained, he kept watch there lest the child should be secretly sent off.

When faint-hearted Judge Duer, (how changed from him who bearded Bishop Underdenk in St Pauls!) on the 18th, washed his hands, and blackened his soul by yielding the child (virtually) to Rynder's and prostitution—and when the triumphant Rose Porter drive off which her prize, a dark hand lay in the foot-board of the coach, and its owner followed it through streets and sidestreets, doubtings and turnings. Luckily the driver was a colored man, and our friend caught his eye, and "telegraphed" him. So the driver went slowly. But the impatient Rose Porter sent out her paramour to take the reins: he drive furiously. Our exhausted friend called another coach and followed, but at length lost sight of them.

By evening, he found they had returned—that his signal to the driver had been been successful—for the latter not only refused all bribes to take them Jersey city, but would not let them change coaches until he landed them at 101 Mercer Street, whence they had started for Court. Here our friend renewed his watch, assisted occasionally by one or two, who relieved him, that he might snatch an hour's rest, or run down and consult with Meyers, Culver and Tappan. And I have good reason for saying that his counsel, ultimately followed, was the way in which the child was restored to liberty. Throughout the case, in season and out of season, by day and by night, he "remembered them that are in bonds as bound with them."

Need I add that this friend once tested the bitterness of slavery; that he was a graduate of the greatest American Institution?—He is also a graduate of a great German University, which has not untaught the humanity which slavery taught him. He is the moderator of the third Presbytery of New York city, Dr. JAMES W. C. PENNINGTON.


And now, a word to Hon. HORACE GREELEY; he asserts with Mr. Carey, that in all successful attempts to civilization, men must begin on the higher lands, where timber is sparse, and the land poor; that then, as the community grows stronger, and have horses, and machinery, and labor, they may safely descend to the fat lands and river bottoms where the timber is heavy; because they will have acquired labor and capital to cultivate fat lands. He brings this argument to bear with great force against Lieut. Maury's Memphis letter on the Amazon; calling a windy phantasy to attempt to people the Valley of the Amazon, as it contradicts the order of civilized progression.

So far, good. And there is no force in logic, if the same argument does not apply to the colony of Liberia. The lands about there are along the St. Paul's river, low fat lands, just like the Valley of the Amazon.—Why, therefore, will Mr. Greeley insist, in contradiction to his own political economy to urge free blacks to go to Africa?

The only loophole of escape, is, that they are constitutionally acclimated. But most of the colonists have gone from the Southern States; say six-sevenths of them, that is, six thousand. How far they were acclimated is proven in this way: Of the whole number sent to Liberia during the last thirty years, there has been no increase; some 7000 sent, and the present population only 7000. Now, had there remained in the slave States in America, their increase would have been 25 per cent., as per census. Hence they have lost 25 per cent. by emigration; pretty hard acclimation that. In the meantime, the colony has received, in cash from this country, an average of $40,000; in all, $1, 200,000. Suppose the same sum had been devoted to the improvement of some 7000 colored persons here in the land of their brith, giving them instruction as mechanics, artisans, men of business, and as professional men, would they not have advanced farther, and been better able to advance civilization than the 7000 in Liberia? It is not too late for us to begin the experiment: here is work for our Convention. In the meantime, call upon Mr. Greeley to explain his paradox, and tell how the Amazon can't be improved by the great Anglo-Saxon race, while the St. Paul's can be improved by the historically, phrenologically, socially, and all the other a lies inferior negroes.

Yours, (well, now, Ethiop, guess.)



Again (Uriah Boston)


June 25, 1853


Again [Uriah Boston] to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 1 July 1853. Criticizes Horace Greeley’s idea that the Amazon could not be improved by whites, despite his assertion that Liberia could be improved by blacks.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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