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Arthur B. Fuller to Frederick Douglass, January 27, 1848


West Newton, Jan. 27, 1848

The North Star pleases me far beyond my very favorable anticipations. That I agree with all the sentiments it advances, I by no means say; nor would I deem it worth my subscription money if I did, since it could then give me no new light, or food for thought and investigation. I look upon the enterprise, of which its publication is the fruit, (viz: the elevation of the colored man to his just rights and respectful consideration,) as an enterprise fraught with hope for universal humanity, since the unjust degradation of one class in a nation tends ever to lower, by injustice, every other class. The wrong-doer is always injured to the full extent of his victim’s suffering. Accept my hearty good wishes for the continued success of all engaged in your honorable undertaking, and believe me

Yours, very truly,

Arthur B. Fuller.


Fuller, Arthur B.


January 27, 1848


Arthur B. Fuller to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: NS, 4 February 1848. Wishes continued success to  North Star.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


North Star



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