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A Citizen from Bath to Frederick Douglass, April 21, 1848


Bath, 21st April, 1848.

Mr. Frederick Douglass: My Dear Sir, ー I noticed, in the last number of the Steuben Courier, an attempt on the part of its editor, to invalidate and overthrow the remarks you made in regard to our Union school, charging you with falsehood, &c. I therefore send you the facts, that you may reply to them intelligently.

It is true, that a petition has been circulated and signed by a great portion of the inhabitants of the district, the object of which was, to support the school by a tax upon all the property of the district; also to support a separate school for colored childred. These facts can be substantiated by a large number of our most respectable inhabitants.

Yours for equal burdens and equal rights,


Bath, A Citizen from


April 21, 1848


A Citizen from Bath to Frederick Douglass. PL: NS, 28 April 1848. Corrects editorial in Bath Steuben Courier criticizing Frederick Douglass’s speech on exclusion of blacks from new school in Bath, New York.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


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