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David Jenkins to Frederick Douglass, October 19, 1848


London, Ohio, Oct. 19th, 1848. Dear Sir:ー I take the liberty of requesting a short space in the columns of the North Star, for the purpose of saying a few words on the great question of human freedom, the great and absorbing question of the day. I have recently attended a large number of political meetings of both the old political parties, and have heard numerous speeches made by some of their ablest menーeven the great Senator Corwin. The most difficult of all questions with which they have to deal, is the question of slavery limitation or slavery extension. It is amusing to see how they sweat over it. Senator Corwin, in behalf of the Taylor party, seems to take this part of the work under his own care, and sad havoc he makes of it. He contradicts himself, and seems not to know it. He declared in his speech a few days ago, that Old Zack (Gen. Taylor) was not pledged to anything; and in the same speech labored to show that he was pledged against using the Veto Power. The whole speech was as weak as water, and by far the feeblest effort which I have heard from any stump orator during this canvass. It is certainly cause for rejoicing on our part to witness the extent to which the subject of slavery and liberty enters into the politics of the day. We want to see the report of the doings of our Convention in Cleveland. Yours for the oppressed, D. JENKINS.


Jenkins, David


October 19, 1848


David Jenkins to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: NS, 20 October 1848. Mocks Whig attempts to discuss slavery issues.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


North Star



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