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David Jenkins to Frederick Douglass and Martin R. Delany, October 25, 1848


Columbus, O., Oct. 25, 1848. Friends Douglass & Delany:ー I take the liberty of troubling you again with a few lines about our doings here. On Friday, the 20th, John Van Buren delivered an address to our citizens. At one o’clock, before he had arrived, the Hall of Representatives was filled to overflowing; and it was found necessary for the immense crowd that had assembled to adjourn to the public ground in the rear of the State House; where the orator mounted the stand, and spoke for two hours with great eloquence and effect, on the subject of Free Soil. The State Convention of the other party was not half so large as this meeting. Mr. Snodgrass, the editor of the Saturday Visitor, arrived in this city on Sunday night, and addressed the colored people at the Baptist Church. He spoke on the duty of the colored people being active on the great reforms of the day. His address made a deep, and it is to be hoped an effective and lasting impression. The house was crowded. Yours for the oppressed, D. JENKINS.


Jenkins, David


October 25, 1848


David Jenkins to Frederick Douglass and Martin R. Delany. PLSr: NS, 3 November 1848. Details minutes of antislavery meeting in Columbus, Ohio.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


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