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Fanny Tompkins to Frederick Douglass, February 23, 1850


North Star Fair in New York.

New York, Feb. 23, 1850.

Dear Sir: The ladies of New York, anxious for the Emancipation of their oppressed race, and being well assured that an organ through which to make known their grievances and plead for their redress is necessary; feeling convinced that the "North Star" from the very able manner in which it is conducted, and its wide circulation, is one of the most efficient instrumentalities for the accomplishment of that end, purpose emulating the noble example of their sisters in Philadelphia, by holding a Fair for the benefit of said paper, during the anniversary week in May next, and have formed an Association for the futherance of that object.

You would confer favor on the ladies by making known their intention through the columns of your valuable paper, by soliciting for them the aid of all who are friendly to their object, and by receiving for, and forwarding to them all contributions which may be obtained from your section of country.

Very respectfully yours,

Fanny Tompkins, Sec'y.


Tompkins, Fanny




Fanny Tompkins to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: NS, 15 March 1850. Announces fair to aid North Star hosted by New York  women.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


North Star



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North Star