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Calvin Fairbank to Frederick Douglass and All Who Sympathize with the Slave, January 1, 1852


Letter from Calvin Fairbanks. Dear Douglass, and All Who Sympathize with the Slave:— This day, I am either to be tried, or my trial suspended until March. If tried to-day, there is but little hope of success, for witness not here, and which I am unable to obtain for want of money at present. The State may put it off. If not, we have an affidavit, which will, if justice be done in the case suspend the case. I hope the friends will not be tardy. Will you let me suffer when a little effort will secure means for my bail. It stands still at $5,000. It may be reduced. I am without means yet to fee an Attorney, though Lowell H. Rousseau and Charles M. Thurston, are faithfully attending the case. They expect pay. Well, friends whatever comes, liberty, slavery, life, death, anything, I stand, and shall stand for this faith in the living God that makes no law, knows no law, obeys no law for slavery. I hail with some hope, the spirit developed in the reception of one of the world's orators besides George Thompson, Louis Kossuth, only let it extend to "all men." Let it extend to William and Ellen Crafts, Henry Box Brown, the fugitive Tamer, Henry Bibb, and Calvin Fairbanks. I shall stand by the law, that sits in the bosom of God, and develops itself in the harmony of nature, all countries, all rules, where all colors are alike, and all hearts are one. I meet the bar members all around me. I am put in mind of the diet at Worms. But little excitement. I write again soon, And remain yours in behalf of the slave. Calvin Fairbanks. The case was continued on application of Mr. G. It will come up in February next, and will very probably be then tried.



Fairbank, Calvin


January 1, 1852


Calvin Fairbank to Frederick Douglass and All Who Sympathize with the Slave. PLSr: Frederick Douglass' Papers, 1 January 1852. Reprinted in ASB, 17 January 1852. Describes trial for aiding slaves to escape and asks for financial help.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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