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Marcus Stickney to Frederick Douglass, May 13, 1855


Letter from Calvin Fairbank. Dear Douglass:— I am still in health, and though, as it appears, I am forgotten by the friends of the Anti-Slavery cause, in the North and East. I have the utmost confidence in the principles they teach. I do not intend to complain for being neglected; for I know the many outlets for their money, and the calls upon their time. I have felt much discouragement; three months in jail, and rolling the ball alone. but I am not without friends. I hope, after all, to be protected against the "Despotism of America," by the friends from Cincinnati, Ohio. Court will sit on the 23d inst. Mr. Lovell H. Rosseau, my attorney, informed me yesterday that Dr. Brisbane of Cincinnati would see that bail is secured before Court. In such case, I shall be compelled to go into trial in May or June, unless the money should be made up again. I do not think there is much danger in coming to trial, after an opportunity to arrange my testimony. I hope for the best. "Duty must be done, though the heart break." I have no inclination to put off the cause of my imprisonment unto any one, nor to acknowledge myself deceived with regard to the ground upon which I fight.


I think I can speak the truth, and say, "Though all men forsake thee, yet will I not forsake thee." I know of but one rule - "but one lamp, by which my feet are guided"—that is not "the lamp of experience," but truth as it appears irresistible in the volume of nature. I am not afraid to die. It does not take long. " Any one can die:"—that's nothing. Let me die, but I do not wish to be ruled over by a master. Let me be neglected, I shall not complain. If the friends do not feel like helping me, like caring for me, truth is no less precious though its standard-bearers should desert me. However, I am not worth troubling any one's mind with—I feel the last of all the disciples. I hope to see you again. Whether I do or not—for the present. "Good bye." I remain yours for the slave, CALVIN FAIRBANK. Louisville Jail, Feb. 4th, 1852.


Lockport, May 13, 1855

Frederick Douglass, Esq : Dear Sir:—We have organized, in this village, a Free Labor Produce Association, and have ninety-eight names pledged to support a Free Labor Produce Store. Those names have all been obtained in this village, and but few of whom are residents in our out towns of our County, where little or no effort has been made to obtain signatures to our Constitution; and if I could make the necessary effort, I have no doubt several hundred signatures could be obtained to our Constitution, who would stand pledged to support a free labor store.—And now, what we want most, is some trust-worthy person of sufficient capital to establish a dry goods and grocery free labor store; and I would thank you to confer with your anti-slavery friends in Rochester or elsewhere, on the subject of coming here and opening such a store, which, I think, would be well sustained. I find many who approve of the principle of giving preference to the use of free labor produce, that decline pledging themselves to abstain altogether from the use of slave labor produce. They want to see the goods on the shelves and behind the counter, before they sign a pledge. I presume you are aware that cotton goods, manufactured from free labor raised cotton can be obtained in Philadelphia, also from England, through George W. Taylor, of Philadelphia, who is a manufacturer of free labor cotton in Philadelphia—who sent me samples of goods manufactured in England from free labor cotton sent there by friend Taylor. These samples compare well in price and quality, with the like style of goods in the stores here.

I am, respectfully yours,

Marcus Stickney


Stickney, Marcus


May 13, 1855


Markus Stickney to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 18 May 1855. Mentions the establishment of a Free Labor Produce Association in Lockport, New York; calls for the opening of a free labor store there.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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