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C. W. Marvin to Frederick Douglass, April 5, 1852


Letter from [C]. W. Marvin.

Friend Douglass: I have just read in your paper of April first a letter from G. M. Cooper, giving a brief and concise account of an anti-slavery Convention held in Williamson and the adoption of a Resolution by the Convention as follows: "Resolved. That the Wesleyan Minister and Church at this place by closing their House, against this Convention, and at the same time inviting clergymen who legalize slavery and hold religious fellowship with slaveholders to assist them in carrying on a revival of religion, have given the most conclusive evidence that they are not the friends of the slave, that their religion is mere sectarianism and not christianity, and that their influence is not less pernicious to the cause of freedom than that of the old church from which they came out," &c. Now, Mr. Editor, I think the Wesleyan Church in Williamson must be an exception to other Wesleyan Churches, or I mistake the general character of the Wesleyan Methodist Churches, unless there was some other important reason why the Church in Williamson refused to open the doors of their Church to the Convention. I should be glad to see an explanation from the pastor of that Church in the columns of your paper. I supposed that Wesleyan Ministers better understood the work of spreading scriptural holiness and truth, than to unite with pro-slavery ministers in "carrying on a revival of religion," I have serious doubts in regard to the efficiency of such measures for the conversion of sinners. I see no consistency in leaving corrupt Churches and then uniting with those churches in carrying on a revival. It looks too much like forcing Christ and Belial into fraternal relations.

Yours for Religious and Political action, C. W. Marvin. Oak Hill Cottage, April 5th, 1852.


Marvin, C. W.


April 5, 1852


C. W. Marvin to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick Douglass' Papers, 29 April 1852. Attacks most churches for tolerating slavery.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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