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A. R. Dempster to Frederick Douglass, September 6, 1852


MR FREDERICK DOUGLASS—DEAR SIR:— Some time since, I wrote a communication for your paper, containing a statement of facts which have been called in question by Oliver Johnson, of the Pennsylvania Freeman. When writing that article, I was very careful to state nothing that any person acquainted with our village would dare to call in question: and endeavored to avoid everything calculated to produce controversy.— The article was read here by several of the most prominent Garrisonians; and however much they may have disliked to have a history of their proceedings given to the public, they have not, at present, called in question its truthfulness. I was greatly surprised, indeed, when I read the very modest comments of Oliver Johnson, in his volunteer defense of his Garrisonian friends.— Had he confined his remarks to what I did say, instead of misrepresenting me, I should not trouble you with this communication; but that would not have answered his purpose[.]— Mr. Johnson says that I allude to "Mr. Garrison, and those associated with him, as a set of 'infidels,' with whom those who esteem the bible to be the revealed will of God can never harmonize." Nowhere, in my article, is Mr. Garrison alluded to at all. I said that "Garrisonianism had been so mixed up with infidelity here, that many have been driven by it entirely away from the anti-slavery cause." It is plain, then, that Mr. Johnson wanted an excuse for attacking my article, in order to ward off any influence it might exert in the hands of John Scoble, or any other friend of the Bible, against the American Anti-Slavery Society. The reader will observe that my remarks refer to Garrisonianism in Leesville, and not to Mr. Garrison. Again: Mr. Johnson says that the Garrisonians who have visited Leesville as lecturers, never said or intimated that to be true abolitionists it was necessary to repudiate the bible, government, and all church organizations, intimating that I had charged them with language of that kind.

Now, sir, the quotation that he makes from my article, and on which he bases his comment, convicts him of direct misrepresentation. My language was, that those who were driven away from the anti-slavery cause by the infidelity mixed up with Garrisonianism here, that "they thought if to be true abolitionists, was necessary to repudiate the bible, government, and all church organizations; the sacrifice was too great, and, consequently, abandoned the cause." Every reader will at once see that my language refers to the influence exerted here by the mixing up of Garrisonism and infidelity. All infidels repudiate the bible. The Garrisonians here, lecturers and all, have repudiated the bible, more or less, according to their taste, and as best suited for the accomplishment of their object. No person could be a "Simon pure" abolitionist outside of the Garrisonian fold; their's were the only true principles, and hence the conclusion.

Mr. Johnson says that he "knows something of the history of anti-slavery in Leesville," an "affirms that the above language is in the highest degree slanderous." We happen to know that he has but a very significant knowledge of that whereof he affirmed, and ought not to have volunteered so grave a charge, without having the most indubitable evidence to sustain it; and in doing so, he has convicted himself of slander.


How does Mr. Johnson know what H. C. Wright, Parker Pillsbury, and J. W. Walker said in Leesville. That the last named persons are infidel to the bible, is well known; and that they have repeatedly made that infidelity a subject of declamation here, the whole community will testify; yet he says it is slanderous for me to say so.

He also says that we (the Wesleyans) "meanly tried to shut our meeting-hourse against those faithful friends of the cause." We never offered, or wished our meeting-house closed against any anti-slavery lecturer, but we were opposed to our house being used for the propagation of infidel principles; yet they have imposed their infidelity on this community, until many of our youth, and some older persons are poisoned with it. They have not made a convert here, who has not become more or less infidel to the bible. They have seldom ever held a meeting here, that infidelity was not a prominent theme of discussion; and Mr. Johnson has traveled out of his way, very far, and presumes too much upon his prerogative, when he has the temerity to deny it. - If they are not willing to take the responsibility of their own position, let them cease prostituting the anti-slavery platform to such unholy purposes. Until they do this, we shall continue to hold them up before the world as infidels of the most radical character. I regret very much to be compelled, in self-defense, to trouble your readers with anything further on this subject. My reputation as a man of truth has been assailed; and, therefore, it is made a necessity.

They (the Garrisonians) have just closed an "anti-slavery fair and convention at Leesville." The speakers were H. C. Wright, Walker, and Barker. Mr. Barker commenced an anti-slavery address on Thursday evening, which was continued on Friday, at 2 o'clock, P.M. His remarks were pertinent and good on the first evening; so much so, that all that I have heard speak of them were highly pleased. As a speciment of what is made to pass for anti-slavery here, very often, I have written out Mr. Barker's speech on Friday, at 2 o'clock, as before referred to. Mr. Barker said, "I will confine myself to the immortal and growing nature of truth. - Truth is eternal, error is mortal. Error wears out, truth wears in. Both nature and history prove this to be the fact. According to [? ], in the beginning, the earth's suface was covered with plants of the [?] character]. The [ ] of vegetation appeared. Then the inferior birds, then the fishes, then the beasts, and finally man. The first man was very weak in body and mind, full of wonder, helpless, and unassisted. But man was the crowning glory of God's creations. Again, we are the development of truth in the history of our world. According to the oldest book, commonly called the bible, people used to have false, and very foolish notions of God, and how to please Him. They were so ignorant as to believe that it was pleasing to Him to inflict pain upon the most tender parts of the body; and hence, they practiced circumcision. Man has so far advanced now as to know that circumcision, or uncir[? ] nothing. So they thought it was pleasing to Him who gave life, to take life, and hence, the practice of killing beasts [for sacrifice]. At last, they got to know that


#6263 p.3 F.D.P. 14 Sept., 1852 p.3 c. 1-2

the Lord did not eat meat, and the priests ate the fleshy parts, and gave the fat to God, and burned it, that the smoke might ascend up and smell sweet in His nostrils. There was but one religious ceremony among the Jews that had any sense in it. That was bathing or washing. It has been said that cleanliness is next to godliness; but I say it is godliness. Bathing ought to be attended to daily. Among Christians, water is used in naming a child, once in its life-time is considered sufficient, and a very little at that.— They further, thought that Deity was in the shape of a man, and that He was ignorant of many things, so that when he heard bad reports, He had to come down and travel to and fro, to see if they were true. And, also, they thought that God was full of jealousy, and hence, would not allow man to worship any other being; and that he did not know the hearts of the children of men, and hence, had to try them. Consequently, at one time, he commanded a fellow to kill his son, that he might know whether he was faithful or not. Again; the world is improving with regard to civil government. The father of the family used to be king or ruler, and he might get as many to serve him as he could capture or buy. Joseph got all the people's money; then their cattle and land; and finally their souls and bodies. It was universally believed, that to the victors had a right to enslave, or slay the captured. These erroneous notions are fast flying before the advancement of truth. Again; great improvement has been made in family government. Men used to buy their wives. They were considered their property. They could loan, trade, or sell them. If a man wanted more than one, and was able to buy them, he could have two, ten, or seven hundred, and three hundred concubines, or female bed-fellows. Sometimes, according to the bible, they would buy some of their wives from their fathers, and God would give them some.— David bought the daughter of Saul to wife; and God gave the mother also. Now, we believe one wife, if she be a good one, is enough to make a man happy; if she is a bad one, it don't take two to make him miserable.

According to the old and new testaments, the husband was lord of the wife, and she was to obey him in all things. As God was the head of Christ, and Christ the head of the church, so the husband is the head of the wife. Now, we believe in the equality of women, and some acknowledge their rights.— Parents used to have power to take the lives of their children; now, we believe they have no better right to murder their own children, than anybody's else's. The world is also advancing the question of freedom; once, every person thought slavery right, and it existed everywhere. The Jews, who were, I suppose, the most intelligent of their day, thought it right. Moses and the bible say nothing about the wrongfulness of Joseph's buying the people for corn. The bible allowed the Jews to enslave their brethren six years; but they were not to treat them with rigor. The bible allowed them to hold the heathen forever; to treat them with rigor, and kill them, if they saw cause. The bible recognized them as their money, and they could do as they pleased with their money.


[#6263 p.4 F.D.P. 24 Sept., 1862 p.3 c. 1-2]

All those false and foolish notions, believed by those who wrote the bible, are wearing out. Another of their vile opinions, was, the children were cursed for the sins of their parents. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge. The Lord visited the sins of the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, to the third and fourth generations. Finally, they got to know better, that the soul that sinneth it shall die.

The bible represents labor, the greatest blessing, as a curse entailed upon man, on account of the sin of one; and that all the pains of child-birth suffered by the females of the human family, was caused by the sin of one woman. They also had monstrous notions of the history of our race. That the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of men; that the result was, there were giants in the land; that some of them had many heads; that they carried some of their heads under their arms, to take care of them. The people used to think the [illegible - poor printing] corners, and that the winds come from these; that the firmament is a great frame, with holes bored in it; that the stars and moon were stuck in these; that the sun goes around the earth; that this firmament has windows in it, and a vast quantity of water is above it and under the earth; that on one occasion, these windows were left open nearly half a year; and that there was so much wa ter poured down that it rose above high mountains, and drowned every living thing on the face of the earth but four men and four women, and two of a kind of some beasts, and seven of all others; that all these had been kept in an ark, which had but one door and one window to let in fresh air; and they were shut in there for a long time. Many other such things people used to believe; but these false and foolish notions, and erroneous systems have vanished, so must all error and wrong of slavery with them come to an end."

The foregoing is not a caricature of Mr. Barker's speech, it is a faithful and honest report of what he really said, as near as it was possible to report his remarks under the circumstances.

I was not fully prepared for the unqualified manner which characterizes Mr. Johnson's denial of the facts set forth in my article, yet it was not a matter of astonishment, acquainted as I am, with the reckless character with which they have before denied their infidelity. It is quite common for Parker Pillsbury, H. C. Wright, and J. W. Walker to belch forth the blackest infidelity; then wipe their mouths, and claim to be pure and holy Christians. It has been the common practice at their conventions here, to have H. C. Wright's "Anthropology," and Parker Pillsbury's "[ ] Frauds" for sale, advertise them beside [ ] and [ ] them on the [Sabbath]. Yet, after all this has been practiced here for years. Mr. Oliver Johnson has the bold affrontery to affirm that it is highly slanderous for me to say that [Garrisonianism//] has been mixed up with infidelity. If Mr. Johnson thinks he can sustain his charge of slander against me, let him open the columns of his own paper to this communication, make his comments, and then permit me to introduce whatever evidence I may be able to secure, in support of my position. An open field, and a fair contest is all we claim. Humble as our pretensions are, we are not willing to be considered a slanderer, and claim the privilege of vindicating our character from any such charge.

Respectfully, A. R. DEMPSTER. Leesville, Carroll Co., Ohio, Sept. 6, 1852.


Dempster, A. R.


September 6, 1852


A. R. Dempster to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick Douglass' Paper, 24 September 1852. Defends earlier letter against Garrisonian attacks.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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