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Charles A. Hammond to Frederick Douglass, October 1, 1852


Syracuse, Oct. 1, 1852. Mr. Douglass:— Will you have the goodness to publish in your paper the following resolutions, which I had intended to present to the Liberty Party State Convention, which met here this morning; but which owing to our universal anxiety to be present at the Jerry Rescue Celebration, were not received by that meeting for action in reference thereto. I was assured however, by some of the prominent brethren of that Convention, that they met their approbation in substance; and I doubt not will be cordially approved by at least a few, who are not yet prepared to go down to the plains of Ono; to "leave to the states the whole subject of slavery, and the extradition of fugitives from service," and to "cease to be the engrossing subject of national politics." I quote these last words from J. P. Hale's letter of Aug. 4th, declining the Pittsburgh nomination. Let those who wish to know what he would do to abolish slavery, were he in the Presidential chair, read and carefully ponder that letter. God save us when slavery shall live, and "cease to be the engrossing subject of national politics."

1. Resolved, That although we deem the postponement of nominations at the recent National Liberty Party Convention at Canastota, unwise and suicidal to the existence of the Liberty Party, still we rejoice that at least a portion of that Convention have at length concluded to make a nomination. 2. Resolved, That although we rejoice in the fact that Mr. S. M. Bell, a citizen of a slaveholding state, takes anti-slavery ground yet claiming as we do to be a righteous government party, we cannot vote for him until we shall be satisfied that he is in favor of such government. 3. Resolved, That in Charles C. Foote, of Massachusetts, we recognize an able and just man; soundly in favor of our principles; and we therefore recommend him to the suffrages of all true men, for the office to which he is nominated.


4. Resolved, That against the fragmentary "one-thing-at-a-time" policy, which we have heard advocated so strenuously by Frederick Douglass, and others, some of whom, we grieve to say, are men who had long since exploded the same ruinous and inefficient policy, we enter our solemn and earnest protest and testimony: believing that we ought, when we go to the ballot-box, to remember the disfranchised and otherwise trampled down women of our land and world; the tariff-robbed, the abolition of rum licenses, and in short, the establishment of a thoroughly Righteous Civil Government; and, moreover, that he is the truest abolitionist who adopts this thorough and stringent policy.

5. That to the cry of that "half a loaf is better than no bread." we reply, that although this may be a truism when rightly construed and applied; yet it will never do to so apply this maxim as to require us to connive at one moral wrong or political untruth, for the purpose of removing another moral wrong or political falsehood.

6. Resolved, That is slavery be allowed, even much more recognized and supported by the U. S. Constitution, in any State of the Union, then we have no right to support such a constitution; but should demand a new one, which should report the whole accursed system.

7. Resolved, That "State rights" do not embrace the right of a State to do wrong; to trample the plainest principles of justice, and the common law, as well as the Constitution underfoot; and we are, therefore, astounded by the claim of former Liberty men, that if Congress have the right to abolish slavery in the slave States, that they also have the right to abolish liberty in the so-called free States.

8. Resolved, That we claim the right and to the extent of our ability, will exercise it, to interfere with slavery, and every other form of despotism and wrong anywhere on the footstool of God; recognizing the right of no constitution whatever, to stand between us and our outraged brethren.

9. Resolved, That the abolition of custom-houses, and all co-restrictions upon commerce, we regard as a reform alike demanded by the true interest of every nation; that a tariff is a curse to our own people, as well as a violation of the great principles of human brotherhood, which demand free communication between our own and other countries; besides, being a violation of the natural rights of all, to buy and sell where they please. In behalf of a just government, C. A. Hammond.


Hammond, Charles A.


October 1, 1852


Charles A. Hammond to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick Douglass' Papers, 15 October 1852. Forwards resolutions  concerning Liberty party and other abolition issues.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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