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Albro S. Brown to Frederick Douglass, November 26, 1852


Lost! Lost!!

Mr. Editor: Sir:—Permit me, through the columns of your paper, to inform the public that there was, on the second day of November, a large number of Whig votes lost. Any one returning said votes will be liberally rewarded; and he who will avert the evil accruing to the three millions of slaves in our land, in consequence of the loss of said votes, will be entitled to the gratitude of every American philanthropist. The owners of said votes did not design to lose them; but while they were preaching to the Free Democracy about throwing away votes, and extoling under the leader of Horace Greeley, the brilliant achievements of the "hero of Chippeway and Lundy's Lain." Gen. Frank Pierce stole a march upon them—put them to rout—achieved a complete victory, and bore off in triumph the prize for which the two parties had contended.

While Gen. Scott is left to console himself (as best he can) with the thoughts that he has bowed to the slave power - pledged himself to a "cordial and energetic" support of the Fugitive Slave Law, and stood upon a platform covered with the "saliva and execrations" of Horace Greeley, without getting in return so much as a crumb from the nation's table. O the ingratitude of this republic! in elevating Gen. Pierce, an obscure man, from a "dark corner of New Hampshire," to the Presidential chair to fatten and grow rich to the public crib for four years to come; while Gen. Scott, the brave, the noble, the daring, the hero of a "thousand battles," is left to regale himself "with a dish of hasty soup." How cool thus to treat the cherished idol of the nation!

"We carved not a line—we raised not a stone, But we left him alone in his glory."

The signal defeat of the Whig party is not as lamentable as it would have been if it had acted in behalf of freedom and equal rights; but their operations were partial and one-sided. The princples of their platform, if carried out, would elevate one class of mankind at the depression of another; it would secure to the slaveholder his interest—but would crush and blight forever the rising hope of freedom in the breast of the slave.


It is well for humanity's sake that they were defeated, and it would be better still if the Democratic party could be defeated; for, when parties cease to act upon the principle that "righteousness exalteth a nation, and that sin is a reproach to any people," they should be overthrown and scattered to the four winds. The only consolation the Whigs have, is, that they have elected here and there a sentinal to stand upon the rampart, and rehearse to the rising generation the defeat of their party in 1852, and watch the ship of state as it is guided over the political ocean by Franklin Pierce.

Though all parties may have the magnanimity to sympathize with them, yet their fate will be regarded as somewhat deserving; for it must be evident to every unprejudiced, reflecting mind, that the course of the Whigs, as a party, has been somewhat inconsistent; for

The Whig party claim to be The Anti-Slavery true; Yet they're pledged to return to bondage All men of sable hue.

Agitation they would put down, Whenever, wherever and however found; And under the lead of Scott the brave, Our glorious country they would save.

And when the day of trial came, Around the polls they victory claimed; And while contending for the loaves and fishes, Frankey Pierce upset their dishes.

They, on looking round for laurels bright, Saw that Frankey Pierce had gained the fight; Ye Gods! how disappointed are they Who had their votes just thrown away.

May they from this transaction learn True widsom, and the light To act for universal Freedom If they would gain the fight.

And may they vote for principles, Instead of warriors brave, And with the hosts of Freedom, Drive Slavery to its grave.

And then in shouts of Liberty All parties can unite, "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men," Will be the world's delight.

Albro S. Brown.

Ellington, Nov. 1852


Brown, Albro S. (1820–1890)


November 26, 1852


Albro S. Brown to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick Douglass' Paper, 26 November 1852. Berates Whigs for supporting proslavery presidential candidate.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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