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A Colored Canadian to Frederick Douglass, June 15, 1853


TORONTO, June 15th, 1853.

MR. EDITOR:—If it were ever necessary for a persecuted, proscribed, and oppressed people to meet by delegation, or otherwise, to devise and take measures for the amelioration of their condition, and to thwart the unholy purposes, and the cruel machinations of their unreasonable and unchristian opponents, that time has most clearly come, for the down-trodden colored man of the United States. And I rejoice to perceive that though, in your country, the political heavens wear for you a lowering and ominous aspect, and your popular religion can afford you, as a people, not a single ray of hope; yet there are unmistakable indications that the God in whom we trust has not forgotten us; that He is watching, with unslumbering vigilance, over our interests and happiness, and purposes, before long to make bare His arm in behalf of a people who [illegible]ing and a byword, and shamefully trampled in the dust, for no other reason than for wearing the physical exterior given them by Infinite Wisdom and Benevolence. When oppressors take counsel together against the Lord and His people, for the extraordinary cause indicated, and, in their impulsive blindness, adopt measures which inevitably lead to the very result they deprecate, and which it was their purpose to avert; when they can enact unjust and sanguinary laws in flagrant violation of those of the great Eternal, impiously declaring that the behests of the former are of paramount obligation to those of the latter, which they contemptuously treat as a nullity; when, in addition to this, the predominant religion of the day can put its broad seal of approbation upon the deed, and the godless multitude, in their national capacity, can heartily ejaculate, from one end of the union to the other, loud and heaven-defiant "amen!"—then, Sir, it is as clear as the sun in the heavens, that such a nation has about consummated its national iniquity, and have little to expect but the retributive judgments of "the Most High," who "ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will."—"Shall I not visit for these things, saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?" The great question which slaveholders, and their political religious, and reverend abettors are now propounding with so much anxiety, is not when shall we "cease to do evil, and learn to do well," in reference to the unrighteous and cruel system of United States slavery, and oppression of the colored race; but how


shall we rid ourselves of (those annoying evidences of our wickedness and unfitness for the kingdom of God) the free blacks? If these men did not "love darkness rather than light;" if they had not agreed to renounce the fundamental principles of their own government, and to practically repudiate the benevolent inculcations of true, primitive Christianity, we might tell them that the question which they so anxiously propound, was most unequivocally answered by our Lord, eighteen hundred years ago: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." But this divine and all-comprehensive rule being no longer of any authority with them, because uncompromisingly opposed to their prejudices, their pride, and unholy purposes, I regard them as incorriglible, and beyond the reach of argument. I speak thus strongly, because it is manifest that the sine qua non to their being Christians depends upon a physical impossibility: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?" When we can bring about such a desideratum, then, and then only, according to present indications, may we hope to be treated as men by our otherwise irreconcilable opponents. Sir, it will avail but little with the unprincipled enemies with whom you have to contend, to furnish statistics of the improvement, and constantly improving condition of the colored race in the United States. These evidences of progress, so creditable to us as a people, but give a renewed and powerful impetus to the benevo- lent impulses of our colonization friends, who cannot brook such improvement, unless it be three thousand miles out of their sight. Nevertheless, let the statistics be given, that the world may be disabused in regard to our advancement in all that constitutes the true dignity of humanity; nor should we for a moment relax our efforts in making every desirable possible improvement, because our oppressors will not, or cannot appreciate in us that which constitutes the well-being and glory of all other people. In making these remarks, I have before the eye of my mind your approaching National Convention. Judging from the signs of the times, as they bear upon our condition and prospects; judging from the character, ability, and position of the men who have signed the "Call," I anticipate the adoption of principles and measures that cannot fail to tell upon the destinies of our people in the American Union. When I consider that the position which self-respect, and a deep sense of your indefeasible rights will oblige you to assume, will be in direct antagonism to the public sentiment of


a nation, nay, one of the most powerful nations upon the face of the globe, I can readily perceive that in the approaching contest you are doomed to inevitable defeat, and that all your efforts at self-evaluation, unaided and unblessed by the God of the oppressed, will be fruitless, and terminate in "vexation of spirit." But let the Convention have so profound a sense of their comparative weakness, in view of the fearful array against them, as will cause them most earnestly to invoke, and most implicitly to rely upon the guidance, the favor, and blessing of the Almightly; let them, in addition, recommend the immediate and united adoption of such a course upon the part of our people upon this continent, and we shall be to our enemies "as terrible as an army with banners;" then shall our oppressors see their Pharaoh-like policy baffled; then shall the confusion of Babel perplex and distract their counsels, and they be taught to realize, in a way that they have not yet seen or anticipated, that "the Lord God omnipotent reigneth;" that, in the language of Mr. Jefferson, the Almighty has no attribute that can take sides with them in such a contest. I have no hesitation in saying, that the people who can ridicule the position we have assumed, are unworthy of freedom; they deserve to be in chains. But would our people, if properly instructed and directed by their spiritual overseers, treat with contempt the course we recommend? Far from it! we know them too well; no people in the world would more readily and heartily respond to the sentiments expressed, as to the means of deliverance, than they. Sir, they are now ripe for the proposition. The proscriptive and despotic course which the two great political parties of the United States have pursued in reference to the colored population; the utter refusal of the American Church to treat their colored countrymen as men and brethren; the unholy alliance of Church and State for the professedly benevolent, but really cruel purpose of expatriating the Free Colored People from the land of their birth; these things, Sir, have left our people little to hope, but in a special interposition of Divine Providence in its behalf. It may be well that they have approached such a crisis. Perhaps they are to be taught practically, that "man's extremity is God's opportunity."



Colored Canadian, A


June 15, 1853


A Colored Canadian to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 24 June 1853. Hopes for the future of blacks in America.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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