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An Abolitionist in the South to Frederick Douglass, August 18, 1853


BATON ROUGE, LA., August 18th, 1853.

MR. EDITOR:—As you probably have but few correspondents in this section of our free and happy Union, I flatter myself you will not refuse a few lines from me, if only for variety. I have been travelling South for several months, and stay a day or two in this city, as the Yellow Fever will not allow me to remain in New Orleans longer. The most important object of my attention is Sla- very. I have been so often told by Southerners visiting the North that their most conclusive argument was requesting us "rabid abolitionists" to go south and see for ourselves the happiness and contentment in which the slaves live. I am now south. I see slavery as it is; yet I am more opposed to it than ever. I see the condition of the slave, yet I see nothing to recommend Slavery to me as a desirable thing. Some slaves are so ignorant and bigoted by their very degradation, that they seem perfectly contented; but it is not the nature of the majority to submit to oppression, nor is it the nature of any to feel contented in Slavery. I attribute some few of their number being contented, because it is a custom, and also to their education!

If it is true that the slaves here are so contented and happy, why is it that so many are escaping at every opportunity? Why so much precaution on the part of the slaveholder to prevent the slaves in this neighborhood from congregating together?

In this vicinity more slaves are running away than ever was known before the "Fugitive Law" was passed.

Your readers probably all know the state of "public opinion" here. If a man speaks of "Liberty," or the "Declaration of Independance," he is taken for an "abolitionist." An instance—a few evenings since, while reading "Curran's speech on Rowan's trial," a young man entered my room and, hearing a sentence I had just read aloud, asked "if that was one of Fred Douglass d—d abolition speeches." So you perceive, Mr. Editor, you are known even here.

If you are not tired of this scribbling, I will try again some time.

Yours truly,



An Abolitionist in the South


August 18, 1853


An Abolitionist in the South to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 26 August 1853. Refutes the popular opinion held by slaveholders that slaves are content to be in bondage.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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