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Andrew B. Stater to Frederick Douglass, April 2, 1853



FRED'CK DOUGLASS: ESQ:—For the last two or three years, there has been a great deal said, by the American people, concerning the future prospects, and disposition of the colored American people. One can seldom listen for five minutes at a time to a group, even of two or three, without hearing something either immediately or remotely concerning the "colored people." Surely, sir, we must be a very important part of the American people.

No great marvel that we enter so largely into all of their business calculations, whether civil, political, or religious. No great marvel that there is so much difficulty with them as to how they shall dispose of us, where we may go, where we may not, where we shall stay, where we shall not, &c. Now, every one talks upon this subject; but they are divided into several classes. One class is for colonizing with the colored man's consent; another for colonizing whether or no; another for virtually making all slaves; others again, if we step both feet over a certain line, and let them remain here. Well, I do not recollect, whether it is ten minutes, or ten days—neither does it matter so much, one is just as consistent as the other; however if we do so intrude, why then they will sell us for slaves. Well, there is one consistent thing in thatwhen so sold, one half of the money goes to the "Charity Fund." Now that comports well with pro-slavery charity; for all their charity money is wrung out of a sable skin.

And then there is another class, who say, let us make men of them on the spot. And there is another class still, very still, sometimes I think almost guiltily still; yet I suppose that stillness is the consequence of their having had their tongues as well as their limbs chained so long, that stillness has become second nature. But even they begin to talk; yes they began to rattle their chains. But who is this latter class, and what are their plans? Why they are our noble selves; and our plan is to make men of ourselves; but where? Why, on the spot, on the land that gave us birth—in our own native country; true, the country of the forced adoption of our ancestors; hence the native country of their descendants, without nationalizing, without let or hinderance. But now for the test—now for the trial—and are we prepared for it?

Well, let us see, that is right; it is well to count the cost; and what is it? why, only a little self-denial for the present.

Sir, I make the broad assertion that it is unnecessary for us to be out of employ six days in the year. With employment we can have money; with money we can do what we please.

Now, sir, take, for instance, a first of August celebration. It is rare that you see an assemblage of less than five hundred. Then, including the out-fit, horses, carriages, entertainment, loss of the day; all, I will put it at two dollars a piece, although we all know that is not half; still, we will call it one thousand dollars; what do we do with that? Why, we say that we celebrate British emancipation in the East India Islands. But, in fact, in most cases, we give our enemies a regularly built benefit, and they look upon it as such.


Now, if in the stead of these costly celebrations—(well, if it could be done consistently)—if instead of writing with those who can count their thousands, in dress and living—if instead of standing at the corners of the streets, or at the grocery doors—if instead of, as has been proposed, to get workshops with white superintendents, who would go off with all the honor and profit, but none of the labor—and instead only working a short time for some of the occasions, we save our money, dress and live like other poor people. Labor all the time, (in health, of course.) Take this thousand dollars—build good, substantial, large and commodious work-shops, with perfectly competent colored superintendents, (what, reader, did you start at competent colored superintendents?—Don't be alarmed, there is plenty of them to be had.) Open shops for the admittance of colored youths, where they can learn all the useful trades, and shortly become useful members of society; that it may no longer be necessary for the sake of having our sons and daughters earn something to become cooks, waiters, barbers, &c. No, if the whites, in their retrograde motion, see fit to drive us out of the menial offices that we have so long and so passively filled, let us in our progress manfully step forward and fill the places they have so long and so proudly held. These shops need not necessarily be either in cities or villages, but in good farming districts, where land is comparatively cheap; and if 10, 20, or 30 acres were attached thereto, all the better for agricultural training. We might have a dozen between Buffalo and New York; but with five, under good management, with sobriety and industry, we might lay a foundation that would eventulate in all the rights of citizenship, usefulness, respectability, wealth. Our women can go into a similar operation by similar self-denial and preserverance.

Now, let us at a proper time and place, hold a State Convention. Let each locality appoint and send suitable delegates; meet and consult within the free united business-like manner, and see if we cannot hit upon some plan to stop the mouths of our denouncers, and gain respectability for ourselves—elevation for coming generaions.

With great respect, I am with you for the abolition of slavery, generally; for the elevation of Northern colored freemen particularly.



Stater, Andrew B.


April 2, 1853


Andrew B. Stater to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 8 April 1853. Advocates using money raised from West Indian Emancipation celebrations to open workshops where blacks can teach and train.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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