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A[sa] A. Caldwell to Frederick Douglass, March 21, 1853



March, 21st, 1853.

FREDERICK DOUGLASS: DEAR SIR:—Our world is full of changes, and even we here, in the centre of creation, are not quite free from them. Last week, Prof. Allen resigned his connection with the Board of Instruction in this school, and accepted an agency for this College in Europe. Although he has left us with the best of feelings on both sides, we fear we shall find it difficult to fill his place in the school—for he is a superior teacher; but we hope he has gone into a field where his capabilities will have ample room and most healthful influence. He is going where he will be relieved from the intolerable presence of public prejudice and hate. Those that know him know that he has suffered more than ten crucifixions from this infernal nightmare. Oh! when will this bitter cup be taken from the hand of our colored people? When I think of this one sin of our nation in its relations and bearing, I feel that this alone would be enough to crush it. How much the diabolical crusade of last winter has done to determine him in leaving his native land, I do not know; but we may readily see it would be quite likely to effect a manly independent mind strong in that direction.

Most respectfully yours,



Caldwell, Asa A.


March 21, 1853


A[sa] A. Caldwell to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 1 April 1853. Reports that Professor William G. Allen of New York Central College has resigned to teach in Europe, mourns the college’s loss and the prejudice that caused it.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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