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B. D. J. to Frederick Douglass, November 7, 1853



Emigration Convention.

CHICAGO, Nov. 7, 1853.

FRIEND DOUGLASS:—The advocacy in this country of any measure which tends to effect injuriously or otherwise, the moral or political condition of the colored people as a class, effects also injuriously or otherwise in the same manner the most humble individual of this class.

I have observed, with no ordinary interest during the last two or three months, a discussion through the medium of your valuable sheet, and also in the columns of the Aliened American, (by moral worth;) the propriety and impropriety of holding in Cleveland, some time during the ensuing year, a National Emigration Convention.

The advocates of the measure seem to be honestly impressed with the conviction, that a Convention of this character is strictly in harmony with our interest, and, indeed, almost necessary to our indentity as a people; whilst those who oppose the measure seem equally honest in their denunciation of it, as unwise and suicidal. Immediately after the adjournment of the Rochester Convention, and before the minutes of the body had been published, a few of our intelligent men put forth a call for this National Emigration Convention, thus arrogating to themselves the right to condemn in a national capacity, the doings of the Rochester Convention; and implying that its action had failed to meet the approbation of the people, because it had failed to recommend National Emigration.

A very slight investigation into the subject will prove the falsity of this assumption.—The intelligent and thinking portion of the colored people of the United States have long since repudiated all schemes for general emigration; and whenever they have spoken collectively, they have declared their uncompromising hostility to all kinds of colonization, and their unwavering attachment to this their native homes. Why, sir, their generous patriotism and love of county scorns the idea of all such schemes of expatriation.

Why do these gentlemen continue to urge


upon us, this odious detestable measure? why continue to harrass the minds of the people with this exploded one-idea question? It only serves to embolden our oppressors to renewed efforts to pass those hellish black laws throughout the free States, such as disgrace at the present moment our own State; it was this same foolish agitation, some few years ago, in the Southern part of the State (Egypt,) that gave paternity and existance to those barbarian enactments.—That monster, the Colonization Society, thought it discovered in this agitation a dissatisfaction on the part of our poeple—a spirit of emigration, increasing among them, and thought to take advantage of it, by having the SLAVE BILL PASSED; the effect has been, to open the eyes of our people, to the true character of this Society, and they have ceased all agitation on this subject, and resolved to remain at home.

If M. R. Delaney, J. M. Whitfield and others wish to leave the United States for Africa, South America, the Antilles, or any other portion of the globe, why not make their arrangements by private correspondence, and leave in a quiet and peaceable manner and not attempt to give their little movement a national character, and by this means create dissensions amongst the colored people? J. M. Whitfield, who has been thrust forward as the principal defender of this vile sheme of expatriation, has a most singular mode of establishing for himself a life of honesty and consistency; and in spite of my apprehensions, Mr. Editor, of crippling or weakening his influence in the Emigration Convention, I must expose it. In an address delivered before the Moral and Mental Improvement Association of Buffalo, December 22d, 1846, Mr. Whitfield spoke as follows:

"We are accustomed to hear loud plaudits upon the heroism of the Pilgrim Fathers; and, doubtless, it required no small degree of physical courage to encounter the dangers attendant upon settling in a new country, amid savage tribes; yet it cannot be denied that it was MORAL COWARDICE which caused them to leave their native land."

It would have required a far higher order of moral courage and patriotism to have remained at home, and waged a moral warfare against the dark spirit of persecution, and to have endured the ourtages, hatred and scorn, which would have been heaped upon them; but they had not the moral courage necessary for this, and, therefore, they fled to seek a home in the wilds of the Western continent.

How much more noble and patriotic has been the conduct of the colored people of this country; persecution on every side has assailed them, and sought to force them from the land. Instead of the inhospitable wilderness, civilized countries have opened their arms, and invited them to their shores; but they have remembered their brethern in bonds, as bound with them, and instead of fleeing like COWARDLY POLTROONS from the great moral strife waging between liberty and slavery, they have elisted on the side of freedom, resolved to free their county and countrymen from the curse of slavery, or SHARE THEIR FATE.


Their condust has ever been in accordance with the truly patriotic motto, "Our country at all times, to sustain her when right, and to right her when wrong."

No language can describe, no finite mind can conceive the courage, the heroism necessary to enable a class of men to endure, without retaliation, the unmerited contumely, the scorn and outrageous oppression of others, and combat their violence only by the moral means of truth and reason.

This is the God-like courage which was manifested by the Savior of mankind, and his Apostles.

The principal aim of the great leader of Irish repeal, has been to infuse some portion of this spirit into the Irish people. It is the lack of this which forces so many of them to despair of obtaining their rights in their own country, and drives them to seek an asylum here; and as they had not the moral courage to combat oppression manfully and firmly in their own country, neither have they the courage to sympathize with the oppressed in the land of their adoption; but after having recently fled from the struggles in their native land between justice and oppression, they have enlisted here on the side of the oppressor, and proved themselves the most inveterate enemies of freedom.

This is the kind of courage which has been pre-eminently displayed by the colored people of this country. Many individuals have gone forth to foreign lands, and have been received by the great and learned of those countries with marked distinction and respect, and assigned the rank in society which their talents entitled them to occupy. But they have, almost to a man, resigned the brilliant prospects set before them, and returned to aid in regenerating their native land. And now, in the face of all these facts, our oppressors endeavor to justify their conduct by prating about the mental inferiority of the blacks.

Mr. Editor, the above are noble sentiments, worthy the head and heart of a patriot; but sir, contrast them with the sentiments of Mr. Whitfield, as recently put forth in answer to the objections made by yourself and others to this emigration scheme; and it shows up, in its true light, the consistency of Mr. Whitfield, and also shows that one or the other set of opinions published by the same author, but so widely different in sentiment, are the honest opinions of the gentleman. Will he inform us which he endorses?

He will doubtless tell us what he has done, like many other public men who have changed their questions of policy; but I will tell that gentleman that all such political somersets have generally militated against their authors, and, in most instances, destroyed their political fortunes eternally. Mr. W. need not hope for a less friendly fate in his case.

Yours for God and liberty,

B. D. J


B. D. J.


November 7, 1853


B.D.J. to Frederick Douglass. PLIr: Frederick DouglassP, 18 November 1853. Denounces the Emigration Convention and emigrationist policies; includes a fragment of J. M. Whitfield’s speech in Buffalo.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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