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Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass, November 28, 1853


From our New York Correspondent.

NEW YORK, NOV. 28, 1853

MR. EDITOR:—Our National Council met promptly on the 23d; members residing thirteen hundred miles apart, coming together with the regularity of British mail steamers. Honr to Illinois! The noble sons were on hand, as fresh and vigorous as if they had simply crossed a short ferry.—Old Massachusetts and the Key Stone State were fully represented; and Rhode Island sent down her foremost man in George T. Downing. There was earnest Gerry Beman, too, from Connecticut. And although last, determined not to be least, came the Buckeye boy, or as they call him the "little Protestant."

You was sadly missed, Mr. Editor, and, of course, in the distribution of labor, they have given you the pack-horse share. You deserve it, sir; you originated the Industrial School, and now you must go to work and found it.

You will see the proceedings at large, when it suits the Secretary to send you a copy; but you cannot see the fine time, vigorous spirit, the harmony and determination to work, which marked this, the first meeting of the National Council: excepting the last afternoon session, when there was but one dissenting voice, the gentleman from Ohio, who wished the Council to undo all it had done, and then sit still and telegraph you (who, he assured us, could come) or John I. Gaines, of Ohio. This was cool, in a gentleman who arrived twenty-four hours after the time appointed. The same gentleman also moved that we should call a National Convention in 1854, to amend the Consti-


tution, and do nothing else. The motion was not seconded. He assured the Council that Ohio hung back in the traces; and the Council seemed to think so too. Stephen Smith said bluntly, that she might hang and—

Now, you see, Mr. Editor, if you had been as mum about your correspondents' names, as somebody else is about Spectator, I might tell you some good things about the Council. Illinois is splendidly organized and goes in heartily for the general good.

Old St. Phillip's seems to spruce up since her admission into the Diocesan Union. A lady who was present on Thanksgiving morning, (not Charlotte K——. Now, do, Mr. Editor, if you have any regard for me, send word who Charlotte K. is. Mr. Communipaw, the best and gentlest of vrows?, torments me to death, saying, "here, Lotty, feed the baby," "there, Lotty, sew that skirt," and for the first time in my life, I am teazed,) told me that the officiating minister gave a sermon that made her blood tingle, till she almost spake "right out in meetin'." It was a Thanksgiving sermon, in which he called upon his hearers to bless and glorify the "freedom of our free land;" he dwelt long and minutely on the sufferings of the English poor, and factory, and mine-workers, when he called slaves, ten thousands times worse off than our brethern at the South. He spoke of slavery, "drawing it mild," and hoped the blot might be wiped our in a few short years, &c., &c

It is said that the vote of New York and Brooklyn, for the State Council, is so large, that the inspectors have not yet had time to count them. Yours,



Communipaw [James McCune Smith]


November 28, 1853


Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 2 December 1853. Describes the meeting of the National Council of black leaders held in Chicago on 23 November.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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