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Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass, September 30, 1853


For Frederick Douglass' Paper

Heads of the Colored People—No. IX.


We have Bourbons among us! Mr. Putnam you are answered; Dr. Hawkes and Eleanor Williams, stand aside, clear the——kitchen, for our Bourbons, like one of yourselves, are colored people! Our proofs are not wrapped up in wig-wams, and Prince de Joinville and woodcut resemblances—no sir! Mr. Putnam we address not Lewis II, (at this time)—our proofs are direct and circumstantial.

About the year 1775, among the officers of a gallant French regiment, stationed at the cape (now Cape Haytien in St. Domingo), was the Counte Charles D'Artois, afterwards Charles of France. This young prince formed a liasson with a beautiful quadroon, and M. Benjamin D'Artois was the consequence. The royal blood of France mingled with the African current.

This Monsr. Ben., as he is called, is now walking before my door, the "very spit" of Charles the tenth, in every [?]ment of his countenance. Charles, it will be recollected, had not the Bourbon features so well marked in some of his brothers; but—and here Walker on Intermarriages comes into Court —the children of Monsr. Ben are purely, strictly and undeniably Bourbon in every feature, in figure, in carriage, and in character!

Monsr. Ben is a jeweller, by trade, is a quiet, easy old gentleman, and has bored the ears of all the pretty France-African girls in our city during the last half century. He witnessed, and describes vividly, the death by torture of Vincent Oje, the apostle and martyr of Haytian liberty. Monsr. Ben married after his emigration to New York and some some five sons and [three daughters?].

[Illegible] says "to-day is a king in disguise. Tom Benjamin, or as he signs his name, T. Benjamin D'Artois, the grandon of a King of France, stands some five feet six in height, is tremendously stout, and walks with a curvilinear movement of his arms—caused by a twenty years' practice in freezing ice cream! Ye people of Gotham! Ye who from 1815 to 1845, were wont to visit Cantoit's garden in Broadway, between Franklin and Leonard Streets—who do you think, made that exquisite ice-cream? Gentlemen and ladies, it was a BOURBON! Only think of it; was not Emerson right? How many sipped that cream in utter ignorance of the stupendous fact, that the royal blood of France, the royal intellect of France, and what is still better, the perspiration-Royal


of France was actually distilled, or exerted, in preparing it? It is matter of profound reflection for our times and our country, in view of our glorious institutions and manifest destiny, that perhaps some American citizens have gone down to their graves ignorant of the fact that the exquisite ice-cream they enjoyed at Cantoit's was made by a Bourbon!

It may be objected, Mr. Editor, that my Bourbons are of the [fitz?] lineage; that the [?] sinister (anglice "over the left") sullies their escutcheon. Surely, there, Dr. Hawkes; stop a moment, Mr. Putnam. Monsr. Ben was born in Hayti, and the Haytian law makes all children born to a man his legitimate heirs, whether in wedlock or out of wedlock. So we have Bourbons among us, thou great light of Episcopacy.

Talking of Episcopacy brings to mind the cheering fact, that the labors of John Jay have triumphed in gaining the admission of


into the Union of the Diocess of New York!

In 1843 or 4, the first attempt was made in this matter; it required two years hard work, to obtain the least notice of the convention. In 1845, memorable for the trial of Bishop Anderdonk, and for the attempt at resisting his sentence made in the Diocesan convention—a determined effort was made to get St. Philip's admitted, as she was known to be of the Bishop's party. By dint of a sharp, earnest letter from the Secretary of the Vestry, addressed to the Bishop, the credentials of St. Philip's were endorsed by the standing committee of the Diocess. And this curious thing occurred; Mr. Jay, and his father, Judge Jay, of the Anti-Bishop party, actually struggled to gain admission for this church which would vote against them, while the Bishop's party were too cowardly to vote in their own supporters. In 1846, I believe, the matter again came up, and was dropped by a vote in which the majority of the clergy voted indirectly for and of the laity against the admission of St. Philips. In the following year, the matter came up again, and was submitted to a committee, from which the Hon. John C. Spencer wrote a report against, and Rev. Evan Johnson in favor of the admission. In the report of Mr. Spencer, it was stated, that the Rev. Peter Williams, the founder and Rector of St. Philips, had been ordained with the special pledge that he would never seek admission into the Diocesan convention. Next year, 1848, the Vestry of St. Philip's published a complete confutation of Mr. Spencer's statement; and renewed their application; and have renewed it each year since.


The success at this time is mainly owing to the fact, that John C. Spencer, who had hitherto dodged and manoeuvred so as to keep St. Philip's out, was this year kept out himself, and no other layman had the courage to face John Jay's artillery. The Bishop is understood to have favored the admission, which shows him true to his English birth and education. There were present, also, several distinguished English clergymen, and the convention quailed at the thought of making them witnesses to a renewal of their uncatholic exclusiveness.

The delegates from St. Philip's are Peter Ray, senior warden, superintendent of Lonilard's immense tobacco factory, Philip A. White, chemist and apothecary, and Henry Scott, merchant—all worthy, intelligent and respectable gentlemen. I have not learned whether any of them took their seats.

There is much that is hopeful in this affair; and I trust that the Vestry of St. Philip's will pass a vote of thanks to Mr. Jay: And I hope also that they will give a call to the Rev. Alexander Crummell, and offer him twelve hundred dollars a year; the church is rich enough to pay this salary; and there are so few of such salaries in the gift of colored people, and so few colored men of his stamp to bestow them upon, that it seems a demand of the times that they shall make this call.


NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 1853.


Communipaw [James McCune Smith]


September 30, 1853


Communipaw [James McCune Smith] to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 7 October 1853. Comments on the mingling of royal Bourbon (French) blood with African, due to intermarriage among New York City blacks; reports St. Philip’s Church admitted to the New York Diocese with help from John Jay.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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