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E. S. Jenkins to Frederick Douglass, June 9, 1853


Letter from E. S. Jenkins.

FRIEND DOUGLASS:—Perhaps many of the friends of progressive liberty and religious freedom, who read your invaluable paper would like to know something of the affairs here in Waterloo. Many a battle has been fought here for a man, the liberty of speech, and free, untrammeled thought.

The Yearly Meeting of Congregational Friends has just closed, June 7th, a session of three days, in which much good feeling prevailed. On Sunday, (the first day,) a much larger number were in attendance than I have ever before seen here on similar occasions. The people were evidently anxious to hear, and more desirous of true knowledge, than at any previous time, since the attempt to throw off from the mind that incubus—intolerance—that foe to progress in every age. When the mind has struggled long and hard for freedom, it is very natural that the incipient stages of liberty should mingle more or less with the recollections of the past. Not every one can "let the dead past bury its dead," though they desire to "act in the living present," and lead on and light up the darkness around. When those who break from bondage can move on without looking back to the chains which bound them and casting reflections, then, surely, from such minds the light will break forth


as the morning. That point few have attained. During the late meeting, less anxiety was manifested to break old foundations, already rotten, than at any previous session. To possess civil and religious freedom, was more evidently the wish than to discuss antagonisms and principles, in the light of that abstract philosophy, that whenever made to fathom the religious element is cheerless, and can never meet our desires. This is progress Congregational Friends needed, and still leave much ground unoccupied, and many points which must be attained. Indeed, all our position and desires must not disguise truth for our own good. I claim for Waterloo Congregational Friends much freedom; but not enough to be fully entitled to that position we have essayed to take. Consistency is a jewel not valued by the world; but it will always seem the asceticism of the good heart even, if not worn as "the pearl of great price." The great beauty and power of Christianity consists in its having been transcribed into the hearts of men by the actual deeds of its Author. Charity is due to the good man who mistakes the line of duty because of his early and erroneous


impressions; but when a protest is entered against a clearly defined evil, it is reasonable to expect the dissenting party to not voluntarily apologize for that evil, either by word or deed. The women here, and from other places, who are interested, are more free and less fearful than the men. Theodore Parker says, "Man needs to be ordained; woman is self-ordained," which is more than one sense is true. Man easily fancies himself the only pillar of truth; woman more naturally believes that it rests in God; and should she fail to give it support, God is its foundation forever.

In our meetings those forms prevail to which the majority have been accustomed; and of all others the Quakers hold their early habits the dearest. Their old creed and general exclusiveness, straight-jacket, and peculiar speech, account for much.—Other sects have, with equally erroneous faith, cultivated a more general character.—In the Divine economy, all things are good; but however man was created, certain it is that he must yet grow into the image of God, by looking upon all men as breathren, and unto God as our common Father. Anything short of this, cripples our energies and dwarfs the soul.

We have found by experience, that those who are not constantly refreshing their mind, cannot supply the demand for moral and religious food in this place. A large


audience might be drawn by some sure and energetic speaker, who, doubtless, could be well sustained among us, were it not for the Quaker fears of paying a teacher of lecturer. This is a point of progress we have yet to attain. The starving soul must be fed, despite all the creeds of past time. The Quakers own the house, and I think they will soon see the propriety of placing it at the service of the surrounding country. I say service—for it would soon protect from the elements large numbers, were it made known that they could sustain an able man to speak to them from week to week. Oh! how we might all rejoice in helping to light up the darkness with which we are surrounded.—We want a man, or a woman, which would be far better, and able to entice from every vilitating resort within five miles, to enjoy the rich feast that might be given. "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." In this, the house would be of great service: whereas, now, it is of but little use, except on special occasions, and for yearly gatherings. With all the light, knowledge and progress of Waterloo, we are still in the midst of intemperance, pro-slavery, poverty and crime, which shrinks but little at noon-day. Here is a field, broad as human philanthropy, already white until the harvest, and the reapers are few. Let us, then, clear up this field of darkness by every means wisdom may devise.

"With a heart for any fate;

Still achieving, still pursuing,


Learn to labor and to wait."


WATERLOO, June 9th, 1853.


Jenkins, E. S.


June 9, 1853


E. S. Jenkins to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 17 June 1853. Discusses the proceedings of the recently concluded annual meeting of Congregational Friends.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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