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Ethiop [William J. Wilson] to Frederick Douglass, March 19, 1853


From our Brooklyn Correspondent.

DEAR DOUGLASS:—Late in the afternoon, I was cold, faint and weary, and far remote from home, surrounded by the din and confusion of Sodom—"where," inquired I, of a man of color, who stood near, "where shall I find warmth and refreshment?" "Over there," said he, pointing across the way to a restorant, to which I repaired immediately. Warmth! exclaimed I, as I hugged a stove that was as cold as an icicle of Russia, or an iceburgh of Zembla—my teeth chattering fearfully meanwhile. So, finding no warmth, my mind next returned to something to stay the inner-man. It was late in the afternoon—still it was with some difficulty that something was provided; well enough in its way when it did come; with some few exceptions which I beg to state; this establishment, being, I believe, one of the chief feeding places for respectable men of color, in and about this part of Sodom, and hence, it demands, at least, some notice.

1. It consists of two departments: one for blacks and one for whites. The one for blacks, adjoining the kitchen, out of which issues volumes of etlluvia from fat Irish Bridget's frying pans, bake-pans, stew-pans, and all sorts of pans, together, with sundry pots and kettles, to the detriment of even the keenest appetites; a mere screen being between, through which, may continually be seen, both Bridget's and Judy's eyes, noses, mouths, and profusions of scraggy hair; certainly not very much to the edification of colored gentlemen in the act of feeding; while the apartment for the whites is sufficiently removed and partitioned from the cook's kitchen for practical comfort.

2. The tables for the blacks are covered with dingy oil-cloth, and bedecked with still more dingy, old and battered pewter waterpitchers, rough, open basins for sugar; and, of course, that staple well saturated with the fumes of said kitchen, while ricketty apologies for castors and bottles to match adorn these sombre tables; those for the whites, on the other hand, are covered with clean white cloths, neat china sugar-bowls, covered, clean castors, &c., all invitingly spread. The room for the blacks, owing to its contiguity to the kitchen, wore an aspect, somewhat between a dirty brown and a smutty white, while that of the whites was clean and white as chalk; whether all this was in imitation of occupants of each, I know not; but such was the fact. Much more might be said, but this simple contrast, which has been staring colored men fuller and fuller in the face, since the commencement and forcing itself upon me, while waiting will suffice for the present. But the best part of the story is yet to be told. The proprietor of this establishment, some years since, opened this place expressly for the accommodation of men of color; retaining a mere side place for some chance a white stranger who might happen in; and such is the sustenance he has received from the blacks, that he has become wealthy, residing in his own brick


mansion. Even to this day, but a fraction of his daily receipts comes from white men. It is on colored men he still fattens, while for the former, he has provided such accommodations as they and the progress of things demand; for the latter, mere feeding stalls behind his kitchen screen, pocketing their cash without the slightest regard to their comforts or aught else of them. To this, let me add, some of the most respectable men in Sodom feed here, and have done so for years, silently witnessing the whole process of what tends to the degradation. And now, let me put to these gentlemen of color, and all whom it may concern, a few candid questions.

1. Are you thus willing to allow any white man to make such palpable distinctions between you and white men, while at the some time you are his main support? I believe it to be one of the ways to beget greater disrespect. Nor do I believe any white man would have other than utter contempt for a class of men who would tamely submit to such treatment, though it come from his own hand.

2. Having made this house, and a few similar ones, your daily feeding places, thereby proving the business to be lucrative, is it possible that in all Sodom no black man with sufficient business tact and executiveness has been found to enter the field with his tent for a share of the patronage?

3. If said black man had entered the list, would he, or not, have accommodated you as well as the whites have done?

4. Would you, in turn, have supported him as well as you have the house in question, and similar ones?

A wonderful deficiency is implied somewhere. At least, Ethiop thinks so. You, gentlemen, make loud clamor about stage, steamboat, railroad, and many other rights and privileges withheld, yet justly yours, though often remote; do you seize and vigorously hold those immediately within your grasp, and use them to your advantage? You mourn, and fret, and agonize over our want of business men, and lack of fair opportunities for the prosecution of some independent, yet easily accessible business; have you earnestly sought, either to support the one or to engage the other? Come, gentlemen, who will answer?


So Uncle Tom-good old Uncle Tomever going about doing good, and no harm, is in Washington. While in Congress, the other day, he very kindly stepped in between the Hon. Judge Douglas, and the Hon. Judge Butler, of that very grave and august body called the Senate, just as these two gladiators, stripped and belted, entered the ring for an awful death struggle. He deserves a much higher niche in the Temple of Fame than even Telemachus, for this kind interposition.

The most remarkable feature in the black world is the holding of a convention, of a most novel character-the "Waiters' Convention." The primary object of this Convention is to strike for wages, in imitation, I suppose, of their paler brothers, artisans, &c., of Sodom. I doubt if they have discovered the great disparity existing between them; if the movement does not make many of them breadless ere next winter ends, I shall be most happy. With the particulars of this curious affair, I trust some of the scribblers in Sodom will furnish you. I have inadvertently denominated that doomed city across the way from the Heights, Sodom; but no matter, since ancient Sodom, or even Gomorrah, were queen cities to it. John P. Hale shook this modern Sodom to its very centre the other night. N. Y. Herald, after trembling and wriggling all night in his boots, attempted to give some account of it next day, but it was a most curious and funny jumble.

Yours truly,


BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, March 19, 1853.


Ethiop (William J. Wilson)




Ethiop [William J. Wilson] to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 1 April 1853. Describes an experience at a New York restaurant; argues the establishment of black-owned businesses is as important as gaining equal treatment aboard public conveyances.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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Frederick Douglass' Paper