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W. L. Crandal to Frederick Douglass, December 10, 1853


The Counterblast.

FREDERICK DOUGLASS:—I thank you, in the
name of Freedom, for the counterblast in
your paper of to-day, to the outrageous cal-
umnies, detractions, and wholly unchristian
attacks on you in the Liberator, Anti-Slavery
, and Pennsylvania Freeman. From
the outset, I knew they had mistaken their
mission; that they were not raised up of
God or the Devil to break down Frederick
Douglass; and for the very good reason, that,
in these latter days, the weaker are not anoin-
ted to break down the stronger. Now, as to
the absurd non-resistant, non-voting notions
of these people, I have neither objection nor
critcism; it is a matter for them; but as to
their infernal attacks on you, I have some-
thing to say. The decencies of our half-
civilization, are to be observed, even towards
those who do not belong to the "Superior
" of our charity-loving, kind, and mer-
ciful American Society. Yes, Mr. Garrison,
you must understand that when your "non-
resistant" pen, can trace the lines of the
hearth stone, for matter to point your calum-
nies against one you hate, every decent man
in Christendom, has an interest in what you
say. And, for shame! to thus assault a mem-


ber of a down-trodden race, who, in the same
breath, you declare are not capable of per-
ceiving the "demands," or of understanding
the "philosophy of the operation" that is to
take the hands of cowardly villains from off
their throats!

Your article of to-day, will endear you to
thousands; for they know there is noble
work for you, with them, to do. Self-respect
demands it. Again you have the thanks
of your friend.


SYRACUSE, Dec. 10, 1853.


Crandal, W. L.




W. L. Crandal to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: Frederick DouglassP, 16 December 1853. Applauds Douglass for his rebuttal of attacks from the Garrison press.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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Frederick Douglass' Paper