A[mos] G[erry] B[eman] to Frederick Douglass, August 25, 1854
NEW HAVEN, Ct., August 1854.
It may be interesting, Mr. Editor, to your numerous readers—all of whom it is supposed feel a deep interest in the progress of liberty —in the advancement of right sentiments and principles in the community—to learn that Rev. Mr. ROGERS, of Newark, N. J., accepted an invitation extended to him by the"New Haven Literary and Debating Society," and on the evening of the 10th inst., pronounced before it and a numerous and intelligent audience, a Poem which he has recently written, entitled "THE REPEAL OF THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE." All present were most deeply interested and pleased; and wished that the burning words of the poet could be poured into the ears, and flashed upon the guilty conscience of all the actors in that foul iniquity. A. G. B.