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A[mos] G[erry] B[eman] to Frederick Douglass, September 16, 1854


NEW HAVEN, Sept. 16th, 1854.

FREDERICK DOUGLASS: RESPECTED SIR:—Deo volente the colored people of this State will, by their delegates, assemble in a Convention in the city of Middletown, on the 27th inst., for the purpose of promoting our highest interests as a people. Sixteen years since, we met there, and formed the first State Temperence Society, on the principles of "Total Abstinence" from the use of all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, that was ever formed in this country. Since that period the Society has met in various other parts of the State, and much good has been accomplished. Although the Society was formed for the purpose of grappling and, if possible, of destroying the giant evils of intemperence, at all our meetings we have examined the entire field of effort open before us as a people—not forgetting "those in bonds being bound with them." We now anticipate a large and pleasant meeting.—We have always been united and harmonious, acting together in all our plans for the general welfare. Letters from various parts of the State, assure us that the right spirit still prevails, and that it will make itself manifest in all our meetings in Middletown. We all feel that we have a work to do, which commands all our time, our resources and our strength; and that our strength is found in our harmony and Union. We can see nothing but evil in division, and [allocations?]. Wherever we see a man [getting?] property, developing a character for integrity and moral worth -- wherever we find one true to the great cause of human liberty and progress, we feel that such an one is doing something, which reflects credit upon us all, and that he is therefore to be esteemed and honored by us. We all wish that you were to be with us, that your clarion voice might be heard amid all our hills and valleys, sending strength and joy through all our hearts. We hope to send you a cheering note from old Connecticut, in the report of our proceedings, with many new subscribers to your paper -- we hope such a voice will be heard from the "land of steady habits" as will fire with new order, our brethren in all parts of the country, as we have often been made glad while reading the various accounts of their labors in the great work of Moral Reform. A.G.B.


Beman, Amos Gerry (1812–1872)


September 16, 1854


A[mos] G[erry] B[eman] to Frederick Douglass. PLIr: Frederick DouglassP, 22 September 1854. Celebrates the upcoming sixteenth anniversary of the Connecticut State Temperance Society in Middletown, Connecticut; expresses desire that Douglass attend.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Frederick Douglass' Paper



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