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Frederick Douglass to Maria G. Porter, January 31, 1853


Sat. 31st, Ja[nuary]

Dear Miss Porter:

Excuse a note in the place of a call. I have not heard a word for the Antislavery Ladies of Syracuse—and know not whether they have taken any steps for having a Festival—or have given up the idea of doing any thing about the matter. I fear the latter, however is the case. I have just received an encouraging note from the Anti-Slavery Ladies of Skaneateles. Miss Fuller assures me that they will proceed with the Festival at that place. The days are fixed upon and the place for holding it secured. When I spoke with you about this place—I thought it would be necessary for one or two of Rochester Ladies to go with the goods and attend to the sale of them. I am now assured that this will not be necessary—The Ladies of Skaneateles—with Miss Fuller, at their head, feel quite competent to takeing care of whatever you may send them. 12 and 13 February are the days appointed for the Festival and the goods should be sent, per express, to Miss Hannah Fuller, Skaneateles, Onondaga, Co. N.York, by the middle of next week. Will you my kind friend attend to this matter. And further make me your debtor? Very Truly, and with respect and gratitude, Frederick Douglass.


Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895


January 31, 1853


Frederick Douglass to Maria G. Porter. ALS: Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society Papers, MiU-C. Requests she send goods to sell at a festival to Hannah Fuller, president of the Anti-Slavery Ladies of Skaneateles, New York.


This document was calendared in the published volume and has not been published in full before.


Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society Papers, MiU-C



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